Basic Statistics on Marriage Registration
  结婚登记     粗离婚率
      内地居民   涉外登记 (对) (‰)
    (对) 登记结婚   婚(人)   婚(人)        
  Total Number Registered First Re-marriages Registered Divorces Crude
Year of  Registered Marriages Marriages (person) Marriages (couple) Divorce
  Marriages in the (person)   with   Rate
  (couple) Mainland     Foreigner   (‰)
1985 468351 468342 914957 21727 9 7604 0.14
1990 447334 447300 854367 40233 34 10010 0.17
1991 446848 446801 858537 35065 47 10037 0.16
1992 440035 439976 848865 31087 59 10349 0.17
1993 430412 430337 827386 33288 75 11353 0.18
1994 471868 471782 901803 41761 86 12167 0.19
1995 434418 434310 824330 44290 108 11163 0.17
1996 430740 430602 809736 51468 138 12445 0.19
1997 442655 442515 824323 60707 140 13681 0.21
1998 439580 439424 817935 60913 156 15344 0.23
1999 479783 479627 893670 65584 156 15608 0.24
2000 475291 475153 881891 68415 138 17084 0.26
2001 445606 445421 816272 74570 185 19321 0.29
2002 470692 470499 851947 89051 193 22924 0.34
2003 524260 524041 952850 95232 219 25785 0.38
2004 574838 574611 1041641 107581 227 43117 0.64
2005 537796 537521 947158 100884 275 50280 0.74
2006 554925 554615 1003450 105780 310 56926 0.83
2007 603901 603581 1093448 113714 320 60483 0.87
2008 663144 662756 1203102 122410 388 73066 1.05
2009 719961 719547 1300578 139344 414 86707 1.23
2010 750291 749885 1355779 144803 406 98792 1.39
a) Method  for  computing  the  Crude  Divorce  Rate: number of divorced  couples is divided by  the  average population  in  the current period. This
    method is commonly used internationally.