Main Economic Indicators of High-tech Enterprises
单位:亿元 (100 million yuan)
    单位数 从业人员 工业总产值 工业增加值 利润总额 主营业务
(个) (万人)          
Number Number of Gross Value- Total Revenue
of Employed Industrial added of Profits from
Enterprises Persons Output Industry   Principal
(unit) (10000 persons) Value     Business
2003 877 26.08 688.25 206.61 51.81 685.06
2004 984 26.45 804.10 210.63 48.08 802.21
2005 1055 27.77 951.73 251.75 57.14 942.27
2006 1175 29.37 1272.74 324.80 68.60 1260.13
2007 1290 31.69 1662.50 440.09 144.63 2333.74
2008 1778 45.79 2646.45 739.61 243.57 2598.21
2009 1931 51.24 3385.37 867.95 289.93 3320.94
2010 2113 60.23 4494.61 1162.46 460.83 4633.31
a) Data in this table cover industrial enterprises above designated sizesame as following tables.