Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
    Item 2004 2008 2009 2010
企业基本情况               Statistics on Industrial Enterprises                                            
有R&D活动企业数(个) Number of Enterprises Having R&D Activities  (unit) 441 343 532 546
有R&D活动企业所占比重(%) Percentage of Enterprises Having R&D Activities to                 4.75 2.75 4.17 3.92
                             Total Number of Enterprises (%)  
R&D活动情况               Statitstics on R&D Activities                                                    
R&D人员全时当量(人年) Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel  (man-year) 19451 27263 36393.2 41632.2
R&D经费内部支出(万元) Intramural Expenditure on R&D  (10000 yuan) 260405.0 766348.8 933015.5 1149280.1
R&D经费内部支出与主营 Percentage of Intramural Expenditure on                                    0.32 0.34 0.39 0.36
 业务收入之比 (%)   R&D to Sales Revenue (%)  
R&D项目数 (项) Projects of R&D  (item) 1744 3816 4445 4976
R&D项目经费内部支出(万元) Intramural Expenditure on R&D Projects (10000 yuan) 232470.0 739550.5 742587.6 979938.9
企业办科技机构情况         Statistics on Science and Technology Institutions                                                   
机构数(个) Number of R&D Institutions (unit) 588 565 573 529
机构人员数(人) R&D Personnel  (person) 24335 36035 40586 43038
机构经费支出(万元) Expenditure on R&D  (10000 yuan) 205154.0 584416.5 644148.5 771782.8
新产品开发及生产情况        Statitstics on New Products Development and Production    
新产品开发项目数(个) Number of New Products (unit) 2324 3880 4943 4892
新产品开发经费支出(万元) Expenditure on New Products Development (10000 yuan) 219191.0 793059.0 870897.7 1081733.6
新产品销售收入(万元) Sales Revenue of New Products  (10000 yuan) 3694885.8 10686264.8 11634044.9 13857107.8
 #新产品出口                  Export                                                                                       396336.0 1263879.1 1997050.9 1480374.9
专利情况                   Statistics on Patent                                                                     
专利申请数(件) Patent Applications  (piece) 1205 1860 3190 3581
 #发明专利                    Inventions                                                                                 398 608 1009 1072
有效发明专利数(件) Number of Patents In Force (piece) 638 1058 1539 1545
技术获取和技术改造情况 Statistics on Technology Acquisition and Technology Reconstruction  
引进国外技术经费支出(万元) Expenditure for Acquisition of Foreign Technology (10000 yuan) 137597.0 129005.0 94558.2 134132.2
引进技术消化吸收经费支出(万元) Expenditure for Assimilation of Technology (10000 yuan) 19419.0 87098.8 207122.7 190810.8
购买国内技术经费支出(万元) Expenditure for Purchase of Domestic Technology (10000 yuan) 30812.0 80243.8 49538.0 31476.4
技术改造经费支出(万元) Expenditure for Technical Renovation (10000 yuan) 1025393.0 2377275.9 1859673.5 1714642.3