中等职业学校(机构)学生分科类情况 (2010年)
Students in Secondary Vocational Schools by Field of Study (2010)
单位:人   (person)
     Item 招生数     在校学生数 毕业生数  
  #初中毕业生       #获得职业
New Junior #应届毕业生 Total Graduates 资格证书
Enrollment Secondary Current Year Enrollment   With Certificate
  School Graduates     on Professional
  Graduates       Competence
     Total 409522 347659 295431 1120517 348186 180608
农林类 Agriculture and Forestry 130507 96581 68794 274255 24238 13835
资源与环境类 Resources and Environment 2014 1672 1309 5324 2501 1332
能源类 Energy 2513 2337 2108 7983 2224 1611
土木水利工程类 Civil and Hydraulic Engineering 11367 10739 9630 31298 11495 6487
加工制造类 Manufacturing 60048 55193 50721 190195 88755 52990
交通运输类 Communication & Transportation 18001 16485 15275 53084 13276 6269
信息技术类 Information Technologies 59114 54230 47506 187826 73170 46111
医药卫生类 Medicine and Health 28594 21473 19630 90559 33395 6782
财经商贸类 Trade and Tourism 32926 30021 26976 91184 37321 17166
旅游服务类 Finance and Economics 9761 8894 7675 26917 9459 5114
文化艺术与体育类 Culture, Arts and Physical Education 19221 18055 16817 56536 19165 10252
公共管理与服务类 Public Affairs 957 597 462 3473 2657 1060
教育类 Teacher Training 16725 14266 13607 47569 14942 6435
  Other 1209 1190 595 3024 1042 426