按收入等级划分的城镇居民家庭基本情况 (2010年)
Basic Indicators of Urban Households by Level of Income (2010)
     Item 城镇居民    
   最低收入户   低收入户 中等偏下户 中等收入户 中等偏上户 高收入户 最高收入户  
Urban Lowest #困难户 Low Lower Middle Middle Upper Middle High Highest #更高收入户
Residents Income Poor Income Income Income Income Income Income Higher Income
  Households Households Households Households Households Households Households Households Household
调查户数(户) Number of Households Surveyed  2520 252 126 252 504 504 504 252 252 126
调查户比重(%) Proportion (%)   10.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 5.00
平均每户家庭人口(人) Average Household Size (person) 2.85 3.24 3.21 3.28 3.16 2.87 2.64 2.38 2.25 2.15
平均每户就业人口(人) Average Number of Employed Persons 1.39 1.26 1.21 1.56 1.52 1.48 1.39 1.06 1.21 1.07
     per Household (person)  
平均每户就业面(%) Percentage of Employment per 48.77 38.89 37.69 47.56 48.1 51.57 52.65 44.54 53.78 49.77
      Household (%)  
平均每一就业者负担人数 Number of Persons Supported by Each 2.05 2.57 2.65 2.10 2.08 1.94 1.90 2.25 1.86 2.01
   (包括就业者本人)(人)  Employee(including the employee   
     himself or herself) (person)  
人均家庭总收入(元) Per Capita Annual Income (yuan)  17334.42 6425.42 5283.99 9481.87 12870.37 16311.12 20904.34 26104.15 41286.10 49935.16
平均每人可支配收入(元) Per Capita Disposable Income (yuan) 16263.43 5907.11 4857.51 8870.83 11949.99 15390.30 19488.55 24662.08 39143.87 47707.55
平均每人消费性支出(元) Per Capita Annual Living Expenditures 10318.32 4965.53 4399.92 6202.57 8320.81 9766.70 12354.75 14731.77 21344.46 24932.44
     for Consumption (yuan)