Total Wages of Staff and Workers and Related Indices
      #国    #城镇集体   #国    #城镇集体
(万元) 经济单位 经济单位 (上年=100) 经济单位 经济单位
Year Total Wages State-Owned Urban Indices State-Owned Urban
(10000 yuan)   Collective- (preceding   Collective-
      Owned year=100)   Owned
1952 24245 23393 852
1957 75864 61966 13898
1962 97735 89214 8521
1965 99235 88722 10513 102.31 101.41 110.55
1970 118670 103934 14736 109.64 108.87 115.40
1975 189208 163144 26064 109.99 110.64 106.08
1978 256463 219056 37407 114.39 113.15 122.28
1980 340513 292414 48099 118.81 118.69 119.51
1985 580441 466525 113244 121.86 121.73 122.36
1986 716788 579844 135878 123.49 124.29 119.99
1987 825146 667635 156254 115.12 115.14 115.00
1988 1035447 841302 190789 125.49 126.01 122.10
1989 1147097 937626 204030 110.78 111.45 106.94
1990 1293229 1064042 221831 112.74 113.48 108.72
1991 1422357 1163790 246622 109.98 109.37 111.18
1992 1684325 1393304 276422 118.42 119.72 112.08
1993 2108195 1739368 323734 125.17 124.84 117.12
1994 2895850 2391572 387584 137.36 137.50 119.72
1995 3360002 2767436 441368 116.03 115.72 113.88
1996 3652207 3020439 464211 108.70 109.14 105.18
1997 3859772 3218123 440888 105.68 106.54 94.98
1998 3755910 3036502 349331 99.75 96.68 81.46
1999 3979361 3227728 332995 105.95 106.30 95.32
2000 4271797 3459724 318530 107.35 107.19 95.66
2001 4580897 3709329 313935 107.24 107.21 98.56
2002 5040301 4039839 296030 110.03 108.91 94.30
2003 5481960 4343902 292264 108.76 107.53 98.73
2004 6255065 4842573 311543 114.10 111.48 106.60
2005 7160660 5260503 341572 114.48 108.63 109.66
2006 8095785 5819518 369771 113.06 110.63 108.26
2007 9732071 6997885 407554 120.21 120.25 110.22
2008 11744961 8322196 422304 120.68 118.92 103.62
2009 13379216 9284802 479223 113.91 111.57 113.48
2010 15485836 10235669 551224 115.75 110.24 115.02
a) Data  on  total  wage  bill  since 1998 refer to  wages of  fully employed staff and workers,  and the indices since 1998 was calculated 
   on the basis of constant coverage.