职工人数 (年底数)
Number of Staff and Workers (End of Year)
单位:万人 (10000 pensons)
    职工人数 #国有经济 #城    女职工人数  
  集体经济 #国有经济 #城镇集体经济
Year Number State-Owned Urban Female State-Owned Urban
of  Staff   Collective-     Collective-
  and Workers   Owned     Owned
1952 60.39 57.85 2.54 6.68
1957 135.13 104.47 30.66 14.45
1962 149.50 132.88 16.62 24.78
1965 161.64 139.95 21.69 26.86
1970 219.48 185.82 33.66 53.83 41.11 12.72
1975 344.99 289.52 55.47 85.54 63.36 22.18
1978 445.10 369.83 75.27 122.55 94.78 27.77
1980 476.83 394.27 82.56 146.84 109.95 36.89
1985 555.15 424.26 130.16 177.64 123.99 53.32
1990 652.71 497.19 151.61 223.90 158.66 63.61
1991 673.75 512.60 155.50 231.10 164.24 64.20
1992 688.45 527.79 154.71 236.95 171.79 62.35
1993 703.72 538.67 151.41 246.63 179.95 60.47
1994 699.25 533.24 141.41 249.44 181.87 57.32
1995 698.02 535.14 132.79 252.84 185.42 54.43
1996 696.16 538.42 126.78 255.56 190.91 51.02
1997 676.74 531.51 112.13 252.52 191.88 45.98
1998 657.00 502.35 93.57 221.41 168.77 30.94
1999 639.62 488.88 84.27 220.62 168.49 27.38
2000 621.95 474.88 75.52 212.13 162.79 23.28
2001 603.86 459.13 69.53 205.47 159.35 20.56
2002 589.14 441.13 62.29 196.89 150.35 17.61
2003 576.57 427.40 57.41 193.58 147.08 15.85
2004 562.67 409.48 52.81 191.15 142.72 14.44
2005 557.83 390.46 48.90 191.86 139.26 13.59
2006 554.56 381.36 46.28 193.98 139.00 13.25
2007 544.43 370.82 41.50 193.10 137.69 11.94
2008 520.01 352.18 35.02 191.41 133.75 10.11
2009 514.42 341.08 32.83 190.94 132.63 9.64
2010 518.89 334.84 30.79 195.70 132.65 9.31
a) The data in 1998 are on-post staff and workers figures, since 1999 are persons employed in various units.