Main Indicators of National Economic and Social Development of Cities
    Item 2007 2008 2009 2010
年末总人口(万人) Total Population of Year-end (10000 persons) 1237.7 1261.8 1266.2
就业人员(万人) Employed Persons (10000 persons) 606.0 614.6 665.7 682.4
  #城镇就业人员  Employed Persons of Urban Areas 397.1 407.9 443.6 445.8
全省生产总值(亿元) Gross Domestic Product (100 million yuan) 4490.7 5610.5 5872.7 6842.3
  第一产业  Primary Industry 137.4 154.9 165.1 183.5
  第二产业  Secondary Industry 2293.4 2934.7 2997.7 3519.7
  第三产业  Tertiary Industry 2059.9 2520.9 2710.0 3139.1
人均生产总值(元) Per Capita GDP (yuan) 35997 44892 46570
全部财政收入(亿元) Total Government Revenue (100 million yuan) 752.1 959.2 1025.1 1157.3
  #地方一般预算收入  Local Government Budgetary Revenue 322.4 394.1 420.5 541.7
财政支出(亿元) Government Expenditure 464.3 580.3 668.1 893.8
金融机构年末存款余额 Deposits Balances of Financial Institutions of Year-end 7421.1 9132.6 11890.9 13791.5
  (亿元)      (100 million yuan)  
金融机构年末贷款余额 Loans Balances of Financial Institutions of Year-end 4603.8 5382.4 7532.4 8897.8
  (亿元)      (100 million yuan)  
全社会固定资产投资(亿元) Total Investment in Fixed Assets 2419.0 3066.2 4461.7 5432.7
社会消费品零售总额(亿元) Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods (100 million yuan) 1397.1 1699.2 1712.7 2417.6
实际利用外资(万美元) Total Amount of Foreign Direct Investments (USD 10000) 195537 227454 204614 271893
  #外商直接投资   Foreign Direct Investments 154968 219316 202722 229075
有线电视总用户数(万户) Number of Users of Cable TV (10000 households) 227.4 296.2 392.3 287.3
普通中学在校学生数(万人) Total Enrollment of Regular Secondary Schools (10000 persons) 81.0 81.9 81.5 76.3
医生数(人) Number of Doctors (person) 46150 55334 66885 50236
a) The term "city" here means "Shiqu", which refers to the central urban area of a prefecture-level city, other than small cities and towns of  counties
    or county-level cities.